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The development of surplus in prehistoric times allowed for a more stable food supply, leading to population growth and specialization of labor. This enabled some individuals to focus on tasks other than food production, such as creating tools or artwork, which contributed to the overall advancement of society.

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Q: How did surplus change the lives of prehistoric people?
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What development in neolithic age greatly changed people's lives?

The development of agriculture was a significant advancement in the Neolithic Age that greatly changed people's lives. It allowed for a shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled communities, leading to surplus food production, population growth, and the development of complex societies. This change also led to the domestication of animals and the establishment of permanent settlements.

What kind of evidence do archaeologist anthropologist and paleontologist study to find out how prehistoric people?

ruins mostly.

How do anthropologists and archaeologists learn about the lives of prehistoric people?

Anthropologists and archaeologists learn about the lives of prehistoric people through the study of artifacts, ancient structures, burial sites, and other material remains. By analyzing these physical remnants and using techniques like carbon dating and DNA analysis, they can piece together information about aspects of daily life, social structures, diet, health, and more.

When studying prehistoric people cave drawings like this one allow archaeologists to?

Cave drawings provide insight into prehistoric people's daily lives, social structures, rituals, and beliefs. Archaeologists can analyze the drawings to learn about the animals they hunted, the tools they used, and their cultural practices. This helps researchers understand how these early human societies lived and interacted with their environment.

Did prehistoric Indians leave pictographs in North or South Ohio?

Pictographs have been found in both North and South Ohio, left by prehistoric Native American peoples. These rock art sites often provide insights into their beliefs, daily lives, and connections to the landscape.

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