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People went from manufacturing one object at a time by hand to manufacturing many objects in factories.

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Harvey Schowalter

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Q: How did technological advancement change manufacturing methods during the industrial revolution?
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Industrial Revolution?

The industrial revolution started around 1760 in England and was an economic and social change, that later spread to other countires. The industrial revolution is important because it led to the advancement of many objects. The advancement from hand tools is one imporant advancement of the industrial revolution.

What happened after industrial revolution?

Following the industrial revolution, the next big technological leap is described as the computer revolution or the post-industrial revolution.

The beginnings of both the Neolithic Revolution and the Industrial Revolution depended on?

technological advances

The beginning on both the neolithic revolution and the industrial revolution depended on?

technological advances

What cycle led to the advancement of the industrial revolution?

need and invention

What statement best describe textile manufacturing in Great Britain in the industrial revolution?

It became much more efficient due to a series of technological advances

What inventions and technological advancement changed live as part of market revolution?

Two of the inventions and technological advances that changes lives as part of the market revolution are cell phones and the internet.

What is the summary of the Industrial Revolution?

The Industrial Revolution was a period of major industrialization that took place from the late 18th to the early 19th century. It marked a shift from agrarian-based economies to ones driven by the manufacturing of goods in factories. This revolution brought about significant economic, technological, and societal changes, including the development of new machinery, increased urbanization, and the growth of the middle class.

What innovations led to the industrial revolution?

What led to the industrial revolution is the invention of machines that do the work of hand tools, the use of steam, the adoption of the factory system, and later of other kinds of power, in place of the muscles of humans and of animals. industrial-revolution

When did the industrial revolution in the US begin and end?

The Industrial Revolution ended in 1914. This manufacturing boom began as early as 1750.

What developed in the north during the 1800s as a result of the industrial revolution?

Manufactoring grew in the North resulting to the Industrial Revolution.

How did the industrial revolution transform methods of manufacturing goods.?

Hitler was the man who started the industrial revolution in Mexico is 1745