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The American's didn't lose the civil war because the North states were fighting the south states over whether there should be slavery in North America or not.

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Q: How did the Americans lose the Civil War?
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With 46 of misinformed americans thinking we should control guns instead of criminals will we lose our guns before our government forces civil war?

I don't see a civil war happening over gun control. If there ever is a civil war, I am sure that it will happen before we lose all of our guns.

What war did the Americans fight the Americans?

The American civil war.

Who was agenst the Americans from the Civil War?

Both sides in the Civil War were Americans. By definition a civil war occurs when two factions within a country go to war.

What war did the Americans lose?

The Americans lost the Vietnam War (1954-1975).

Where there any African Americans in the civil war?

Yes. There is a link below to an article on the history of African Americans in the Civil War.

What was going on with African Americans doing during the civil war?

the african americans were still in slavery during the civil war

How did African Americans contribute to the US Civil War?

African Americans fought in the US Civil War, and they spoke out against slavery.

Is it true that the Civil War was a war between the Americans and the English?

No - the English had nothing to do with the American Civil War.

Why did the south joining the civil war?

to lose

What did African Americans control after the US Civil War?

CHURCHES !! (31409)

In which war were more than 1 million American killed or wounded?

Since Americans were killing Americans, it was the US Civil War (aka American Civil War).

How was the civil war unlike any other war?

More Americans were lost than in any other war. And Americans were fighting Americans.