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The Bolshevik Revolution gained support from the people who were hungry and impoverished by promising them bread and land. The party overtook the government despite only receiving one quarter of the votes in the 1917 election.

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14y ago

They promised the peasants 'Peace, Bread and Land' and put out slogans such as 'Land to the Peasants'.

The Bolsheviks also wanted factories and banks to be state owned so, the workers would be able to get better conditions, pay, hours and trade unions.

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10y ago

Vladimir Lenin who led the bosheviks had a slogan "Peace, Land and Bread' this slogan was important because it summed up what about everyone in the country wanted. They wanted peace in WW1 many of the people did not want to go fight in a war that they didn't agree with, Land due to the about of privatization that occurred under the Tsar. and finally was bread because everyone was starving under the Tsar. It was what everyone wanted to almost everyone joined.

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15y ago

Because the Bolsheviks promised the peasants land.

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Q: How did the Bolsheviks courage the peasants and workers of Russia to support them?
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Why did the communists succeeded in overthrowing the Provisional Government in the November 1917 Revolution?

Tactically, the Bolsheviks seized key railroad, telegraph and military installations that paralyzed the Provisional Government and kept it from being able to coordinate a defense. The Bolsheviks were a minority Marxist revolutionary group that most revolutionaries did not want to have full governmental power. The other parties did feel that it would be better to have the Provisional Government overthrown and work out the details of other parties participating in the government later. The feeling was that the Bolsheviks would be outvoted and removed. They actually thought the Bolsheviks would permit other parties to participate in the new government. They were wrong. The Bolsheviks had been recruiting followers in the army. They had so many that many units simply refused to obey orders and turned on their officers and shot them. By October, the Bolsheviks had many of their followers as members of the local councils of workers, soldiers and peasants called soviets. The Provisional Government had an agreement with the soviets that it would not pass any major legislation without first consulting the soviets. Thus, the Bolsheviks had the support of the soviets, which had strong influence on what was done in the government and they backed the Bolsheviks.

Why did the communists succeeded in overthrowing the Provisional Government in November 1917 Revolution?

Tactically, the Bolsheviks seized key railroad, telegraph and military installations that paralyzed the Provisional Government and kept it from being able to coordinate a defense. The Bolsheviks were a minority Marxist revolutionary group that most revolutionaries did not want to have full governmental power. The other parties did feel that it would be better to have the Provisional Government overthrown and work out the details of other parties participating in the government later. The feeling was that the Bolsheviks would be outvoted and removed. They actually thought the Bolsheviks would permit other parties to participate in the new government. They were wrong. The Bolsheviks had been recruiting followers in the army. They had so many that many units simply refused to obey orders and turned on their officers and shot them. By October, the Bolsheviks had many of their followers as members of the local councils of workers, soldiers and peasants called soviets. The Provisional Government had an agreement with the soviets that it would not pass any major legislation without first consulting the soviets. Thus, the Bolsheviks had the support of the soviets, which had strong influence on what was done in the government and they backed the Bolsheviks.

What were the Bolsheviks demands?

The Bolsheviks believed in organising a party in a centralised and disciplined fashion that sought to overthrow the Tsar through a mass workers' revolution. They believed and succeeded in creating a vanguard party , a mass revolutionary party composed of what they called "the most militant and class conscious " workers capable of leading the masses of Russian workers.

What did the Bolshevik's change the to?

27th october, Lenin announced his first big changes to Russia: He called for an immediate end to the war and just peace. He believed that the war would end anyway when the German workers and soilders were inspired by the Russians to stage their own revolution He set up Russias third and final government for 1917. The new government was to be called the soviet of peoples commissars or sovnarkom for short. He allowed peasents to use all of the farming land they had taken for themselves during 1917. The Bolsheviks did not want the peasants to own the land. In a communist society there is no private property and everything is shared. But Lenin recognised that the peasants made up most of the population. The peasants wanted land and the Bolsheviks needed the peasants on side, so Lenin decided that they would let the peasants have the land for the time being and then decide later how to change the situation.