

How did the Boston Tea Party started and ended?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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the Boston tea party started because the colonist were mad about all the taxes on the tea. And it ended at 10:00 p.m they left so late so the couldn't be seen so they didn't get fired at either.

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When did the Boston Tea Party end and start?

It started with many of the founding fathers in 1773. Started in one day and ended in the same. The Boston Tea Party was a rebellious act by Patriots, the Sons of Liberty, in 1773 to the taxes put on tea, put up by Britain as a response to debt created by the French and Indian War. They were also put into place by George Grenville, the British Prime Minister sent to "babysit" the colonies. Overall, the Boston Tea Party lead to the Intolerable Acts.

Why the Boston Tea Party started?

The British imposed a tax on tea.

What was the Boston tea party called?

the boston tea party..........

What does tea stand for in tea party movement?

It's a reference to the Boston Tea Party. The acronym started with "Taxed Enough Already."

When the Boston tea party ended?

December 16, 1773, lol lol

When did the tea act officially end?

The Tea Act ended right after the Boston Tea Party(December 16, 1773).

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well it took place in the Boston tea party and Alexander Hamilton was at the Boston tea party,so did are 1st presidentvnsdsvgbugahthanbgfyuabendydand that's how it ended

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punished Boston for the tea party

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The French and Indian War ended in 1763. The Boston Tea Party was in December 1773. The Declaration of Independence was on July 4, 1776. (The Revolutionary War started in April 1775)

Did the Boston Tea Party end in the 1700?

yes, because it ended in the December 1776

Did The Intolerable Acts lead to the Boston Tea Party?

No, the Intolerable Acts was a result of the Boston Tea Party. The Tea Act led to the Boston Tea Party

When 300 chest of the tea were dumped into Boston harbor what was the event called?

the Boston tea party