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Q: How did the Compromise of 1850 appease Southerners while still allowing California to be a free state?
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What agreement avoided war in the 1850 by repealing the Missouir compromise?

The Compromise of 1850 - allowing California to join the Union as free soil, and passing the Fugitive Slave Act to appease the South.

Did the Compromise of 1850 admitt California as a free state?

Yes. That's why they had to make a special gesture to appease the South, in strengthening the Fugitive Slave Act.

The preserved peace between the free states and slave states when the admission of California and New Mexico threatened the balance achieved by the Missouri Compromise?

The preserved peace between the free states and slave states was achieved through the Compromise of 1850. This compromise allowed for California's admission as a free state and created a territorial government for Utah and New Mexico, allowing the residents to decide the issue of slavery through popular sovereignty. It also included stronger fugitive slave laws to appease the slave states.

What compromise said that California would be a free state?

The Compromise of 1850. To get it through Congress, they had to appease the South by promising to hunt down fugitive slaves and return them to their owners. This aroused sympathy for runaways, and helped to fuel inter-sectional discord.

How did the compromise 1850 start?

After the Mexican War, California was admitted to the Union as one big state that extended so far on either side of the Missouri Line that both sides claimed it. To get California admitted as free soil, Congress had to repeal the Missouri Compromise and appease the South with a new deal.

Did the Compromise of 1850 essentially restore the Missouri Compromise?

No. It replaced it with a deal - California to be admitted as a free state, with certain concessions to appease the South, including tightening-up the Fugitive Slave Act. It was the last-minute Crittenden Compromise that was meant to restore the Missouri Line, but Lincoln rejected this compromise, because it would have allowed some extension of slavery.

Compare and contrast the Compromise of 1850 and the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

The Compromise of 1850 can be compared to the Compromise of 1820 (Missouri Compromise), mainly by comparing how the two compromises were different and alike in how they were able to successfully appease both the North and the South on the issue of slavery. The Compromise of 1850 was designed to prevent the South from seceding, and delaying the Civil War. It was created mostly to deal with the problem on how to annex California into the Union, because the North and the South disputed over whether or not to split California into two different states, the Northern section being slave-free, and the Southern section allowing slavery. The Compromise of 1820 prohibited slavery above the line of 30o60' North, except in Missouri, therefore solving the problem of how to divide the land acquired by the Union in the Mexican War.

What is a sentence with the word appease?

The leader attempted to appease the angry crowd by addressing their concerns and offering a compromise.

Defending your compromise Try to maintain the balance of power in the Senate unless you can come up with an idea that will appease both sides while allowing Arizona and New Mexico?

i belive that arizona and new mexico are pretty much the same states as with dealing with the rules

What did congress do when California came into the union as a free state?

had a party [NEW RESPONDENT] Had to organise the Compromise of 1850, to appease the South. The result was the Fugitive Slave Act, which greatly offended the Northern public, as it turned them into unpaid slave-catchers.

What was the admission of California in the compromise of 1850?

The admission of such a vast new state as free soil was a major concession by the South. That is why Congress felt they needed to make a big gesture to appease the South, in the form of the controversial Fugitive Slave Act.

Why was the fugitive slave law written?

The Fugitive Slave Law was written as part of the Compromise of 1850 to address the issue of runaway slaves. It required that escaped slaves be returned to their owners, even if they had reached free states.