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They were proud and felt like a part of a larger group.

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Q: How did the Declaration of Independence affect most colonists?
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free speech

Why is King George 3 referred to as he in The Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence lays out the charges the colonists are making against England. It goes on to state what the colonists, via the Founders, believed to be our most important natural rights.

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They didn't inspire colonists, but Jefferson. Most of the colonists never heard of either man, but Jefferson was a thinker, reader, and philosopher and he placed their thinking in the Declaration of Independence.

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The Declaration of Independence

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At this time, there were many examples of the British being unfair to the colonists.

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The Declaration of Independence.

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John Hancock was the most visible signer of the declaration of independence

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Nova Net Answer: Declaration of Independence

How did the stamp affect the colonists?

It had a financial affect on the colonists. Most colonists couldn't afford to pay the taxes.

Who was most responsible for Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson was assigned to write a rough draft of the Declaration of Independence, but he was not the most responsible. The Second Continental Congress was.

Most of the Declaration of Independence was work of?

Thomas Jefferson

Who was most of the declaration of independence written by?

Thomas Jefferson