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Q: How did the Dutch use natural resources for survial and for making money?
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How did taking the Dutch East Indies help the Japanese war effort?

Japan lacked natural resources, so gaining the territory of the Dutch East Indies gave them some of the resources they required.

What was typical to the Dutch colonies in Colonial America?

The semi-legal robbery of all those countries' natural resources.

When was Dutch Gold Resources created?

Dutch Gold Resources was created in 2006.

What is 'You're making me shy' in Dutch?

Je maakt me verlegen is a Dutch equivalent of 'You're making me shy'.

Why dutch where they settled and why what they called there colony and why the English wanted to still control them?

They were a colony because they came and built New Amsterdam well before the English came to Plymouth. The English didn't want to control them, but wanted the location. New Amsterdam had a good natural port and good resources and THAT is what they were after from the Dutch.

What is the natural resource of okinawa?

fossil fuels, fish, rice, and minerals. These are the most popular resources in Japan as well:)

When did the dutch start making windmills?

they made them when there was water

What natural feature was the most important to Dutch colonists?

the Hudson River

Is the Dutch cocoa carried by Winco Foods natural?

Yes, Dutch cocoa is carried by Winco Foods and available in the bulk section.

Why were the Dutch interested in the New World?

The primary reason for Dutch colonization worldwide was TRADE. The Dutch were primarily a mercantile people who financed their economy by facilitating international trade and shipping. The Dutch wanted to acquire new resources in the the Americas and add them to their existent trade network.

What was the name of the conflict between English and dutch settlers for Africa's land and resources?

boer war

Why did the dutch explore America?

He was sent out by the Dutch Republic's East India Company. That was at the time the richest and biggest 'private' trading company in the world. His assignment was to try and find a westward route to East India.