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Before the Renaissance, English was a language that only the commoners spoke. Nobles or royalty would read and write in Latin or other older languages. During the English Renaissance, poets and playwrights deliberately wrote in English so as to bring their works to lower classes of people. As English became a more widespread language, more people were able to attend school and gain an education.

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The English Renaissance resulted in an increased emphasis on classical learning and humanist education, which led to the establishment of grammar schools and universities. This shift in educational focus promoted the study of literature, arts, science, and languages, making education more accessible to a wider population beyond the nobility. Overall, the English Renaissance contributed to a more educated and cultured society.

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Q: How did the English Renaissance affect the education of the people?
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What advances were made in education during the Renaissance?

During the Renaissance, education saw significant advances such as the rise of humanism, which emphasized the study of classical literature and history. The introduction of printing press enabled the mass production of books, making knowledge more accessible. The establishment of universities and schools expanded education opportunities for a wider range of people.

How did the ideas of the Renaissance and reformation influence education theory and practice?

The ideas of the Renaissance emphasized humanism, critical thinking, and the value of education. This led to a shift towards a more liberal arts-based curriculum, focusing on subjects like literature, history, and philosophy. The Reformation brought about a focus on literacy and the importance of reading the Bible, leading to an increased emphasis on education for all, including the common people. Both movements contributed to a more individualized and experiential approach to learning, with an emphasis on cultivating well-rounded individuals.

Why was education of the masses became important during the Renaissance?

During the Renaissance, there was a growing interest in humanism and the idea of individual potential. Educating the masses was seen as a way to spread knowledge, cultivate critical thinking skills, and empower individuals to contribute to society in meaningful ways. This emphasis on education helped fuel advancements in art, science, and culture during this period.

How does education affect how people vote?

Education can influence how people vote by shaping their values, beliefs, and priorities. Higher levels of education are often associated with a better understanding of political issues, critical thinking skills, and access to diverse sources of information, which can impact voter decisions. Additionally, education can also influence political participation and engagement in the democratic process.

How did reformation and counter-reformation affect education?

The Reformation prompted increased emphasis on literacy and education as people sought to read the Bible for themselves. Protestant regions established new schools to teach these skills. The Counter-Reformation, led by the Catholic Church, responded with its own educational programs with a focus on defending and spreading Catholic teachings. This competition led to overall improvements in education across Europe.

Related questions

How did the worldview of Renaissance people change before and after the Renaissance?

Before the Renaissance, people held a more religious and feudal worldview, focusing on the afterlife and the authority of the church and monarchy. During the Renaissance, there was a shift towards humanism, individualism, secularism, and a greater emphasis on art, science, and education, leading to a more diverse and questioning worldview.

How did humanists study and ideas affect Renaissance life?

humanists' stuies and ideas affect Renaissance life by affected people's thinking about social standing.

What did people do different during the renaissance?

they did everything differently like: - cook -clean - wash - education

What did renaissance thinkers believe?

Renaissance thinkers believed in humanism, emphasizing the potential of individuals to achieve greatness through reason and creativity. They also embraced the revival of classical learning and culture, valuing education and the pursuit of knowledge. Additionally, many Renaissance thinkers challenged traditional beliefs and authority, fostering a spirit of innovation and questioning in various fields of study.

Why was education of the masses became important during the Renaissance?

During the Renaissance, there was a growing interest in humanism and the idea of individual potential. Educating the masses was seen as a way to spread knowledge, cultivate critical thinking skills, and empower individuals to contribute to society in meaningful ways. This emphasis on education helped fuel advancements in art, science, and culture during this period.

How did the renaissance affect people's lives?

I don't know. Maybe someone else knows.

Why do you think Petrarch placed so much emphasis on the study of history during renaissance?

The Renaissance scholar Petrarch warned against history:" O inglorious age! that scorns antiquity, it's mother, to whom it owes every noble art... What can be said in defense of men of education who ought not to be ignorant of antiquity and yet are plunged in... darkness and delusion?"Petrarch's ideas would affect education fro many years. Education and new ways of spreading information would take the Renaissance far beyond Italy.

How did the interest in Greek roman classical literature affect the renaissance?

It have people who dont like there aruthors

When did people stop speaking renaissance English?

As languages change gradually, over time, it's not possible to state with certainty when people stopped speaking in a particular way (especially as change would be uneven in a country). The English Renaissance ended around 1650, so after that, generally speaking. On the other hand, when you use Shakespeare's quotations you're still speaking Renaissance English.

Why were European artists and scientists more keen to take risks during the Renaissance?

they were more keen to take risks during the renaissance because the renaissance is an epoque in history when more people could afford an education and therefore people belived less in the church and started to question the church.

How did the Renaissance affect the peoples viewpoint of destiny or fate?

The Renaissance gave people a feeling of purpose during life on earth, instead of focusing on the afterlife like the medieval times.

How does the Harlem Renaissance affect people today?

without the Harlem Renaissance there would be no rap, R&B, hip-hop music today or black artist, authors, actors, etc