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Q: How did the European explorers use the compass?
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How did the compass help the European explorers?

The compass helped the explorers in navigating across the oceans.

What type of people who use a compass?

Adventurers and explorers use a compass

What problem did the compass solve for European explorers?

the compass helped early explorers travel by telling them which way they were going: North, East, South, West.

People who use a compass?

Pilots, sailors, hunters, geographers, Explorers! (:

What do explorers use to travel in the right direction?

Sun, stars, compass, GPS, maps

What kind of techonology did all of the explorers use to sail boats?

Compass, sextant (or astrolabe), & timepieces.

Why did the explorers used compass?

To see what was there.

What new technologies helped explorers?

The compass, the astrolabe (instrument used to measure latitude), and the rudder all helped European explorers on their quest to find Asia and get rich by by buying spices there and selling them in Europe to get a profit.

What are tools that Marco Polo and other explorers used?

a compass, journal, and a ship.

Do European explorers go hunting?

Some European explorers historically did engage in hunting for food or sport during their expeditions, especially in unfamiliar territories where food supplies were scarce. However, hunting was not the primary focus of their expeditions and varied depending on the purpose of the exploration.

Which European explorers visited California?

Which European explorers visited California and where did they come from?

Who European explorers?

european explorers, the european explorers were explorers from Europe which comes in the word euopean, explores were people who explored and sailed on ships to find either new land or a way to trade