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Q: How did the European involvement in southwest Asia impact the region after the collapse of the ottoman empire?
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What is European partitioning?

The dividing of southwest asia by the european power after the fall of the ottoman impire, after world war 1

What major event led to the European colonialism in southwest Asia?

defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I

Who were the empires of southwest Asia?

the ottoman empire

Did the Ottoman Empire resist the European trade and culture?

The Ottoman Empire tried to resist European Trade and Culture but were not terribly effective in doing either, especially at resisting European Culture.

Which of the following was an outcome of World War 1?

The Bolshevik Revolution The collapse of the Ottoman Empire The collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Big G (APEX)

When did the Ottoman Empire collapse?

Ottoman Empire collapsed in 1923 with the rise of latter state Turkey. Turkey was founded in 1923.1922

How did the Ottoman Empire collapse after world war1?

Ottomon empire in turkey collapsed when it is defeated by Germany in ww1.

How did Ottoman attempts at state consolidation differ from European attempts?

The Ottoman attempts at state consolidation differ from European attempts in the sense that they were more forceful in their takeovers than even the Europeans were.

The empire that ruled over much of Southwest Asia prior to World War 1 was the?


Who led the Turkish in their attempts to westernize after the ottoman empire collapse in World War 1?

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk .

North America was mainly controlled by which European Empire?

The ottoman empire

What was the European Country that established independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1829?
