

How did the French peasants feel about the King of France?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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they didnt like him and wanted to kill him

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Q: How did the French peasants feel about the King of France?
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Many called him weak, inept and indecisive. Some blamed him for all of France's paroblems including the weather. The financial problems in France were not of his making. He inherited them all.

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Absolutely furious. he was not just abandoning them; he was joining their enemies and plainly intended to join with them in an invasion and conquest of France. It was for this act of treason that he was guillotined.

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The poem is about Marie Antoinette and the French Revolution. Rosetti portrays the feelings of the princess in the lead up to the revolution of the peasants of France. The princess says of her want to help the people- but she doesn't really understand because she has led such a sheltered life. I think you either feel sympathy for her or think she is pathetic- it's all talk and no action. Rosetti portrays the feelings of the princess- how she did not want to be born into this life- she had no choice & how she thinks her life is perhaps worse than that of the peasants because they are free, whereas she is trapped in the palace.

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