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Q: How did the Great Depression change life for Americans in the 1930s?
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What is the 1930s know as?

the great depression

What is all about the 1930s in America?

it was about the great depression.

The era of the 1930s is known as what?

the great depression

Where might Americans have laid the blame for their difficulties during the early 1930s?

In reference to The Great Depression, many Americans blamed President Herbert Hoover for their difficulties during the early 1930s. Many felt he underestimated the severity of the financial crisis, and did little to help those hit hardest by the depression.

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Was the economy stable in the 1930s?

No that was the Great Depression era.

Which style Which is a way that the economies of the US and France were linked before the Great Depression?

I know that the Great Depression was in the 1930s

What was the grim economic state of the 1930s named?

The great depression

'Of Mice and Men' is set in which decade?

'Of Mice and Men' is set during the Great Depression in the 1930s.

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What did some americans question during the great depression?

What year was Great (Great (Isambard Kingdom Brunel))?

The Great depression started somewhere in the 1930s

Was Taylor Swift around during the Great Depression?

The Great Depression happened in the 1930s and 1940s. Taylor Swift was born in 1989, so she was not around during the Great Depression.