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shrines but i really don't know because i can't find the answers for my report.

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Q: How did the Greeks worship Demeter?
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Why would th ancient Greeks have worshipped diameter?

The ancient Greeks didn't worship diameter, but Demeter (Δήμητρα in Greek) , who was the godess of agriculture.

Where did Demeter die?

The Greeks never had a story of Demeter's death.

What is the cult of Demeter?

Demeter's worship is known as the Eleusinian Mysteries.

Why did the greeks believe in Demeter?

They believed in her just like they believed in all the Gods. She is a Goddess and they knew of her. So naturally they believed in her and offered her the worship and sacrifices that are her due.

Why did Greeks believe in Demeter?

They believed in her just like they believed in all the Gods. She is a Goddess and they knew of her. So naturally they believed in her and offered her the worship and sacrifices that are her due.

Who did megara worship?

Megara was a mortal woman from Greek mythology who was married to the hero Heracles (Hercules). She likely worshiped the traditional Greek gods and participated in their religious practices. There is no specific mention of Megara having a particular deity that she worshiped exclusively.

What was the goddess Demeter's importance to the Greeks?

She was the goddess of fertility and harvest .

Why did the Greeks create the myth of Demeter and Persephone?

To explain the seasons.

Who is the goddesses of nature for the Greeks?

Demeter is the Greek goddess of agriculture or nature

Who did the Greeks worship to get things?


Where did Greeks worship their gods?

At their temples.

Did certain Greeks worship certain gods?

Greeks would pick a god that was a patron of their trade or hobbies. A farmer would pay homage to Demeter, a hunter would pray to Artemis, a blacksmith to Hephaestus, a warrior to Ares, a scholar to Athena, a mother to Hera, or a wine maker would worship Dionysus. Also certain times of the year would demand a sacrifice to certain gods.