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Q: How did the Haitian Revolution allow the US to buy Louisiana from the French?
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Congress agreed to allow two states into the Union one free and one slave and established slavery policies in the Louisiana Territory. What was this agreement called?

The Missouri Compromise

Why did the French government finally allow settlers to Come to New France?

They were afraid that the British might take over if they don't get people living there.

Why did the US want to purchase Louisiana?

In a secret treaty in 1800, spain returned Louisiana and the port to Frances' powerful leader, Napoleon. Now Napoleon planned to colonize the American territory.In 1802 , these developments nearly resulted in war.To avoid hostilities, Jefferson offered to buy New Orleans from France. Surprising, the french asked if the united states wanted to buy all of the Louisiana territory.the United states bought the land for about $15million - about three cents per acre. so it became known As the Louisiana Purchase.

Why did French immigrants come to America and when?

The French claimed New France one year after Jamestown was founded. The French government was driven by the same impulses as the British crown, determined to keep up with the British as far as colonization of the New World. The problem was that most French citizens did not want to come to the area known as New France. The soil and climate were not suited for farming. The soil and climate of Nova Scotia were worse than New England. Most French settlers were laborers or tradesmen, not farmers. The crown would only allow French citizens in their colonies. The Huguenots, for example, were harassed in France and eventually many ended up in the British colonies. The French did find a good trade with the Indians in furs and trapping animals for their fur became an important industry as well as colonial fishing. The French colonies grew slowly.

Can you get empancipated at the age of 17?

{| |- | It depends on the state you live in. Only about half of the states allow emancipation. Those states that do allow it usually allow 16 and 17 year olds to apply. |}

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How did french revolution 1789 affect the US?

First of all it almost caused a war to break out between the US and Great Britain, due to the fact that Great Britain wouldn't allow the US to work together, trading in other words, with the French. Secondly it caused the purchase of Louisiana from Napoleon, also know as the Louisiana Purchase, which doubled the size of the US territory. Thirdly it created new work opportunities in the various markets due an increase in export of goods. More people decided to move to the US since it was possible, causing in an increase of the workforce.

Whose idea was it for the US to remain neutral during the French Revolution?

There was no agreement. It needs to be understood that while the founding fathers supported a democracy, the revolutionary events in France where frighting to them. The French Revolution is a lesson that condones Jefferson's unwillingness to allow the mob to lead the nation. However, with regards to your question...there were no agreements, rather, the US was too unstable at the time to be of much use.

How did the constitution change to allow Thomas Jefferson to buy the Louisiana territory?

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French term which means allow to do?


What is the term that is french for allow to do?

permettre (verb)

What does laissez competent mean in french?

Allow Competent

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Industrial revolution helped us produce more medicines, food and we started taking care of our sanitation.

What does laisser in French mean?

to let / to leave

Can an illegal immigrant collect lottery winnings in Louisiana?

Might not allow you to collect it because your in the country illegally which is a crime in itself...