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House Sparrows were purposefully released in many cities in order to control pests and add fashionable European birds to the landscape.

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Q: How did the House Sparrow get to North America?
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What is the name of a bird that has a large bill and has only 7 letters in its name?

In South America there is the Large-billed Antwren. There is the large-billed sparrow, (or Savannah Sparrow), in North America. And there is the large-billed pelican.

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Where does the house sparrow live?

Sparrows are indigenous to Europe, Africa and Asia. In Australia and America, early settlers imported some species which quickly naturalised, particularly in urban and degraded areas. House Sparrows, for example, are now found throughout North America, in every state of Australia except Western Australia, and over much of the heavily populated parts of South America Then, they migrate to the south.

Is a house sparrow a native or exotic species?

a house sparrow is an exotic bird no a native bird!

How rare are sparrow hawks?

Sparrow Hawks are the most common Falcon in North America.

Is a House Sparrow a warmblooded animal or a cold-blooded animal?

A House Sparrow is a Warm-blooded animal

Does a House Sparrow have a symbiotic relationship with another organism?

Yes. The house sparrow has a symbiotic relationship with the eagle.

Where were sparrows from?

Sparrows originally came from China. But, the climate started to change, and the sparrow migrated to North America. Today, the climate in China is slowly changing, but there is still very little sparrows there. (About 2%)

Who has the biggest house in America?

The biggest house in America is the Biltmore located in Asheville, North Carolina.