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The issue of states rights vs. federal authority was brought to national attention over the removal of the Cherokee from their treaty guaranteed lands in Georgia. The U.S. Supreme Court decided it was unconstitutional to force their removal, which would in essence be breaking the treaty the U.S. government made with the Cherokee nation, but President Jackson explicitly refused to enforce the Supreme Court decision. Georgia insisted that within its own borders it had the right to do whatever it wanted and that state law superseded federal law. In 1830 the Indian Removal Act was signed into law, precipitating a path towards Civil War.

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The Indian Removal Act (1830) required Native Americans living to move west of the Mississippi. It was overturned by the Supreme Court, leading President Andrew Jackson to remark, "[Chief Justice] Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.'" The Act resulted in a lot more land for growing cotton and therefore, I suppose, in an increase in demand for slaves. However, I don't see how it led to the Civil War.

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