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Q: How did the Iroquois used to travel around places?
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so you can travel to places and move around

How did the Iroquois Indians travel regularly and why did they moved about?

Iroquois Indians used elm-bark or dugout canoes for fishing trips, but usually preferred to travel by land. Originally the Iroquois tribes used dogs as pack animals. (There were no horses in North America until colonists brought them over from Europe.) In wintertime, Iroquois people used laced snowshoes and sleds to travel through the snow. They didn't travel very often as they built long houses. The only reason that they might would be that food was hard to come by.

How did the Iroquois use resources of the woodlands?

they used the wood for travel and shelter, they used the soil for crops, and they used the animals for food

What did the Iroquois tribe use to travel?

They used canoes in the summer and snoe shoes or sleds in the winter

How did the Iroquois use natural resources of the woodland?

they used the wood for travel and shelter, they used the soil for crops, and they used the animals for food

How did the Iroquois use the natural resource of the woodland?

they used the wood for travel and shelter, they used the soil for crops, and they used the animals for food

How did the Iroquois use the natural resources of the Woodlands?

they used the wood for travel and shelter, they used the soil for crops, and they used the animals for food

What was the fastest transportation for the Iroquois?

Sometimes--the Iroquois Indians did use elm-bark or dugout canoes for fishing trips, but usually preferred to travel by land. Originally the Iroquois tribes used dogs as pack animals. (There were no horses in North America until colonists brought them over from Europe.) In wintertime, Iroquois people used laced snowshoes and sleds to travel through the snow.

What was a wigwam?

wigwams are portable houses that the Iroquois used to travle places...and there are longhouses that are permanent .(so you can't travle with them)

What were the Iroquois used for?

The Iroquois tools were used for hunting and fishing.

What is transport used for?

To travel to places that is hardly get by walked

What transport is used?

To travel to places that is hardly get by walked