

How did the Jews feel about hiding?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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7y ago

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They were terrified, scared, angry, upset and annoyed.

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Q: How did the Jews feel about hiding?
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they were in hiding because they were Jews and Hitler was going to kill all the Jews.

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First, the question should read:How did Jews move to their hiding spot?Assuming the question is meant seriously, it is unanswerable.• Jews move the same way anyone else does.• Which Jews, where, when, and what sort of hiding spot?• Permanently move to a permanent hiding spot, or temporarily move to a temporary hiding spot?

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If you were hiding anyone it made sense to avoid standing out.

What is the Beje in the book The Hiding Place?

The actual hiding place for the Jews! Plus a work shop for watches...

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Yes, Jews caught hiding were subjected to extra punishments.

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