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Q: How did the Kemetians (Egyptians) were protected by their physical environment or physical features.?
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no they had no new adaptations to the environment as their body structures were adapted to the environment

Is environment an abstract or concrete noun?

The word environment is an abstract noun; a word for the sum total of the surroundings and conditions in which someone or something exists, survives, functions. Although an environment may include physical features, the environment is not the features, it is a combination of factors that constitutes an environment.

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its size and its teeth lol

What physical features surrounded Egypt and protected it from invaders?

cataracts and the Sahara desert

Features of the environment that is alive or once alive is the definition of?

Biotic is the word used to define features in an environment that are alive, or were once alive. Abiotic is the opposite of biotic.

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Because of the tectonic plates

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dirt and sand

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yur mm