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Lewis and Clark used a combination of pantomime, sign language, and trading goods to communicate with the Native American tribes they encountered during their expedition. They also relied on the help of a few translators, such as Sacagawea, who served as an interpreter between the expedition and the Shoshone tribe.

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Q: How did the Lewis and Clark communicate with the natives?
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Who helped Lewis and clark with the natives?

Sacagawea, a Shoshone woman, played a crucial role in helping Lewis and Clark communicate with Native American tribes they encountered during their expedition. She acted as an interpreter and guide, facilitating peaceful interactions and trade with various indigenous groups.

What did the Nez Perce natives do to help Lewis and Clark?

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When did Lewis and Clark meet the Teton Sioux natives?

in 1809

What did the Chinook natives do for Lewis and Clark?

The Chinook natives provided Lewis and Clark with guidance, supplies, and information about the local geography when the expedition reached the Columbia River in present-day Washington. They also offered trade goods and trading opportunities to the expedition.

Describe the relationship between Lewis and Clark and the Native Americans?

Lewis and Clark had complex relationships with the Native American tribes they encountered during their expedition. While some tribes provided them with valuable assistance, others viewed them with suspicion or hostility. The explorers relied on Native American knowledge of the land and resources to navigate safely and negotiate peaceful interactions.

What kind of languages did they speak in the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The members of the Lewis and Clark expedition primarily spoke English. However, they also made efforts to communicate with Native American tribes they encountered using sign language, drawings, and a few words of indigenous languages.

When did Lewis and Clark encounter the Teton Sioux natives?

September 1804.

Did Lewis and clark have enemies?

yes tey did. many of The Natives hated them.

How do you think Lewis and clark were successful with natives?

they gave them 5 dollar

Who helped Lewis and Clark communicate with the people they encountered?


Where did Lewis and Clark meet the Mandan natives?

In what we now call North Dakota.

Did Lewis and Clark communicate with the Native Americans?

Yes, Lewis and Clark communicated with many Native American tribes during their expedition. They traded goods, shared information about the land, and sometimes relied on Native American guides to navigate unfamiliar territories. Their interactions were crucial for the success of their expedition.