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Q: How did the Manchurian Crisis affect the attack on Pearl harbor?
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How does the attack on Pearl Harbor affect society?

It created WW2.

How did the restructuring of Hawaii after the pearl harbor attack affect people?

it kill everyone

How did the attack on Pearl Harbor affect World war 2?

It brought the US into the fray.

Why did the attack on Pearl Harbor affect America and how did it get so out of control and how did it start in the first place?

The Japanese attacked America by aerially assualting pearl harbor the reason is i believe Germany put pressure on japan forcing japan to attack pearl harbor

How did the pearl harbor attack affect the isolationism of the US?

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How did the attack on Pearl Harbor affect the US socially?

As a woman commented during the burying of dead Japanese pilots near Pearl Harbor, just after the attack, "...they were some mother's sons."

What were the casuelties of the attack on Pearl Harbor?

See website: Pearl Harbor Attack

Was there a meeting based on the pearl harbor attack?

See website: Attack on Pearl Harbor

What happened to start the russo Japanese war?

Russia's desire to remain in the Manchurian/Korean region. The actual commencement of hostilities was a IJN torpedo destroyer attack inside Port Arthur's harbor against anchored Russian battleships in February 1904.

Who responded to the Japanese attack on pearl harbor?

the united states responded to the attack on pearl harbor.

What was the dollar value that was lost in the attack of Pearl Harbor?

See website: Attack on Pearl Harbor

Who were affected in the pearl harbor crisis?

becoz he wanted