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this site is dumb they have other people answer it when most of the answers are wrong and by the way i don't know this answer ether

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Q: How did the Middle Colonies get education?
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Is there private education systems in the middle colonies?

Yes, there was private education in the middle colonies.

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Which region was known as the breadbasket colonies?

The Middle Colonies: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware.

What is the slogan for the middle colonies?

The middle colonies are in the middle of awesomeness!

Were the middle colonies royal colonies?

Yes, the middle colonies are proprietary colonies.

How was the middle colonies intellectual?

The Middle Colonies didn't particularly stress education, but there were several private schools established and a couple of public schools, like the Penn Charter School (established by William Penn).

What was the education in the middle colonies?

I think education was mainly homeschooling. also there might have been tutors who could teach children of wealthy families. Another form of education was probably schooling.

What region was first to support public education so that all people could read the bible?

The New England region of the United States, particularly the Massachusetts Bay Colony, was the first to support public education to ensure that all people could read the Bible. The Massachusetts Education Law of 1647, also known as the Old Deluder Satan Act, required towns with a certain number of households to establish and maintain schools to teach children how to read and write. This emphasis on education was driven by the Puritan belief in the importance of being able to read the Bible for oneself.

How was education like in the southern colonies?

Education in the southern colonies were important

What were the middle colonies know for?

The middle colonies were known for being in the middle

Who settled the middle colonies-?

German immigrants settled the middle colonies.

What were diseases in the middle colonies?

The middle colonies had diseases