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As a God of new era. Savior like Jesus. Germany's chance to be something.

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Q: How did the Nazi officers view Hitler?
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What was hitler nazi or jewish?

Hitler was a Nazi. He killed Jews.

How did Hitler create the Nazi party?

Hitler was not the founder of the Nazi Party.

What roles did Hitler have in the Nazi Party?

Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party from 1921-1945.

What is a nazi in World War 2?

Nazi is a type of government (Hitler was a Nazi) and they had their own soldiers (Hitler's soldiers).

Who rule over Nazi germany?

The Nazi party led by Adolf Hitler ruled Nazi Germany. That is why it is called "Nazi" Germany.

When did Hitler become a knazi?

Hitler didn't become a Nazi he founded the Nazi party.

Who was the leader of Nazi Germany?

Nazi LeaderAdolf Hitler in World War II

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How was Hitler involved with the Nazi party?

He was the leader of the Nazi party.

What relationship did Hitler have with the Nazi Germany?

He was the leader of Nazi Germany .

What roles did Hitler play in the nazi?

He was the leader of the Nazi party.