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it changed it because well i havwe no idea figure it out

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Q: How did the Neolithic Revolution change how civilizations develop?
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What was the great change during the neolithic revolution?

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Major change in means of production in neolithic revolution?

The major change in means of production during the Neolithic Revolution was the shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agriculture. This transition led to the domestication of plants and animals, the development of permanent settlements, and the establishment of a food surplus. These changes laid the foundation for the development of complex societies and civilizations.

The real change in the Neolithic revolution was the?

invention of agriculture.

What major changes in means of production did the Neolithic Revolution do?

The Neolithic Revolution marked a shift from hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural communities. This led to the development of agriculture, domestication of plants and animals, and the establishment of permanent settlements. This change in means of production laid the foundation for more complex societies and the rise of civilizations.

What was a dramatic change called in neolithic age?

people started to farm and make civilizations

How did Neolithic revolution change the way people lived?

Give me the answer

What was the Neolithic revolution characterized by?

The change from nomadic herding to settled farming.

What are major changes in means of production neolithic revolution?

The major changes in means of production during the Neolithic Revolution included the shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to agriculture and domestication of animals, leading to settled communities and food surplus. This change allowed for specialization of labor, development of new tools, and establishment of permanent settlements, laying the foundation for the rise of civilizations.

What revolutionary change took place during the Neolithic Age?

Farming Revolution

What revolutionary change took place during Neolithic age?

Farming Revolution

How did societies change as a result of job specialization during the neolithic revolution?

Neolithic societies developed more diverse goods and products.

How did the Neolithic revolution change the lives of early humans?

The Neolithic revolution marked the shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture and settled living. This change allowed early humans to establish permanent settlements, develop complex societies, and specialize in different activities such as farming, trading, and crafting. It also led to population growth, the emergence of social hierarchies, and the domestication of plants and animals for food production.