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They established provincial governors but left the local forms of government intact.

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Q: How did the Persians justify their methods of ruling people fairly?
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As Imperial rulers the Persians were tolerant they treated their conquered people fairly so why did the Ionians rebelled against Persian rule?

The Ionians were not satisfied with the tyrants appointed by Persia to rule them.

Who captured Babylon in 539 BC mountain people?

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What is the Persians?

A people from today's Iran.

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At the battle of Marathon 490 BCE the Athenians defeated the Persians.

Why did the Persians refuse to become traders?

The Persians believed that trade forced people to lie, cheat, and be greedy

Why are Persians so hairy?

It's their genetics. Persians in general are amongst the most hairiest people in the world.

Are Persians Arabs?

No. Persians and Arabs are distinct ethnicities. Persians are an Indo-European people who speak an Indo-European language (like most Europeans) whereas Arabs are a Semitic people who speak a Semitic language.

What do Persians do in the Persians Empire times?

it is not right question. they were living, working, fighting, etc. like other people

How were the Persians different from the Assyrians or Babylonians?

The Persians were tolerant of other people. They did not forcibly move people they've conquered from their homelands, but instead returned them as this was their policy. The Persians believed that prosperity of subject people = prosperity for their Empire.

Are the Spartans and the Persians the same people?

No. Both were of Indo-European ethnic origin, but the Spartans were Dorian Greeks and the Persians were Iranians.

Who were the first people conquered by the Persians?

Their rulers, the Medes.

Is a Persian cat a good breed?

Persians, like all breeds, have their pros and cons. Persians tend to be very lovable and have a distinct flat face that many find adorable. They are good at adapting to apartment life and tend to be good natured. They are usually fairly quiet as well. However, Persians need to be brushed on a regular basis (and while some people shave their cats, it is not the best course of action) and their flat faces can make it harder for the cats to breath and sometimes make the cat drool a lot as well as have a runny nose. Persians also can develop digestive and kidney issues. Persians make great pets for people who are patient and willing to give the cat the attention it deserves, as they tend to be of higher maintenance.