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Q: How did the Plessy vs Ferguson case legalize segregation?
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He was the person in the case of plessy v.s Ferguson .And Ferguson won

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Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 US 537 (1896)No. Plessy v. Ferguson was a US Supreme Court case that legally sanctioned racial segregation.

What was the decision by the Suprem Court in the Plessy v Ferguson case?

Racial segregation was legal.

What was the major ruling in plessy v. Ferguson?

In the Plessy versus Ferguson case it was decided that the state law of racial segregation concerning public facilities, like trains, was protected under the constitution.

What case provided constitutional justification for segregation for almost sixty years?

Plessy v. Ferguson

What supreme court case made school segregation legal?

I think it was Plessy vs Ferguson

What was the essential question in the Plessy v. Ferguson case?

The question raised in the Plessy v Ferguson and Brown v Board of Education Supreme Court cases was that of racial segregation. Is it okay, and if so, how should it be done? In Plessy (the earlier case), it was determined that segregation was okay as long as the facilities and education were equal. In Brown (the later case), it was decided that legalized segregation is *inherently* unequal, and it was forbidden.

What changed in the civil rights because of the plessy v Ferguson case?

The case of Plessy v Ferguson was a monumental case regarding segregation in 1896. The judgment was to keep the “separate but equal” in place as constitutional until it was changed in 1954.

What Supreme Court case established a legal basis for segregation under the concept of separate but equal?

brown vs. board of education

Why was the plessy v Ferguson case held?

In the Plessy decision, the Supreme Court ruled that such segregation did not violate the 14th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.

Was plessy vs Ferguson in favor of slavery?

No, the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court case was not about slavery. It was a landmark case in 1896 that upheld racial segregation laws, introducing the "separate but equal" doctrine, allowing for legal segregation and discrimination. It maintained racial segregation and laid the groundwork for decades of racial inequality in the United States.

What case overturned Plessy Ferguson?

The Brown vs. Board of Education case overturned the Plessy vs. Ferguson case.