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First, that religious authorities would be controlled by the state and not visa versa. Second, that the Church was not infallible in it teachings. Third, that only God could redeem people who had sinned, not priests or holy communion. Fourth, that Jesus was the saviour of mankind, not holy saints or the apostles.

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Q: How did the Protestant Reformation change the way people viewed religion and religious authority?
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Religious conflict in Europe?

that the people wanted a protestant religion so they moved

What did The Protestant Reformation do?

The protestant reformation is the name of the religious reform movement that divided the Roman Catholic Church.

Were people religious in the 1500s?

Yes, religion was a central aspect of life for many people in the 1500s. The Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation were significant movements during this time, shaping the religious landscape in Europe. Most people in Western society were affiliated with either the Catholic Church or a Protestant denomination.

What is religious revolution?

A religious revolution is a significant and often widespread change in religious beliefs, practices, or institutions within a society. It typically involves challenging existing religious authority and redefining spiritual norms. Examples include the Protestant Reformation in Christianity and the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

Why reformation end?

The Protestant Reformation came to an end after the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, which recognized the sovereign authority of states and their right to determine their own religion. This led to a gradual decline in religious wars and increased religious tolerance in Europe, marking the end of the era of intense religious conflict. Additionally, the Catholic Church implemented reforms through the Council of Trent to address some of the criticisms raised by the reformers, resulting in a stabilizing of religious divisions.

Describe the events leading up to the Protestant Reformation that caused religion to co-exist with politics?

Answering "Describe the events leading up to the Protestant Reformation that caused religion to co-exist with politics?"

What do the events surrounding the Protestant Reformation suggest?

Religion and Politics were closely intertwined

What event symbolized the desire for change in the christian religion of western Europe?

The Protestant Reformation.

Which religion first believed in predestination during the Protestant Reformation?

I think that would be Calvinism.

How did religious differences provoke violence and start wars in 16th century?

In the 16th century, religious differences led to violence and wars primarily due to conflicts between Catholics and Protestants. The Protestant Reformation challenged the authority of the Catholic Church, causing tension and persecution of religious minorities. This ultimately resulted in a series of wars, such as the French Wars of Religion and the Thirty Years' War, fueled by religious and political divisions.

How did the protestants reformation contribute to religious toleration?

The protestant revolt did NOT contribute to religious toleration, it just multiplied the sects that hated each other, and in many cases made hatred of the Christian religion, which Christ had established (the Catholic Church) acceptable.

What is Greenland's main religion?

Mostly Protestant mainly Lutheran a small minority is Roman Catholic, before the Protestant Reformation it was a Catholic country.