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The only real change to the Roman Numerals happened in the Middle Ages when "lazy" monks created the shorthand form that we use today.

For example in the system as used by the Romans both VI and IV were the same number: six. But as the "lazy" monks modified it now IV instead represents four (which the Romans would have always written as IIII). This example applies to all the Roman Numeral characters that are multiples of ten (e.g. I, X, C, M).

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Q: How did the Roman Numerals change over time?
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Roman numerals are not invented by one person .They may come into being this kind by a long time ,so much people finished them.

What were the Roman uses for Roman numerals?

They used them to tell time, to measure farm fields, and to count stuff.

What is the Roman Numeral for 3619?

MMMDCXIXnext time just put "roman numerals conversion" into Google and you will get sites that will do it for you.

Why were Roman Numerals created?

I believe it was because Romans could not count numbers so they created roman numerals which were almost like numbers in order to tell time and count.