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In Rome and in Constantinople the state distributed a grain dole. The poor received free grain, which enabled them to survive as unemployment and underemployment were big problems. The army provided a career for the poor. They served for 20 years, during which they received a pay, they were looked after and they could have a sense of belonging. On discharge they were entitled to a grant of a plot of land for them to farm. Shortages of land for the poor were a big problem. Elite men funded lavish gladiatorial games and chariot races, which were the two most popular forms of entertainment, to gain popularity. The elites also developed the view that entertainment was important to keep the poor happy. There was the phrase 'bread and circuses' . The former referred to the grain dole and the latter to the chariot races (the circus was the chariot race track). It reflected the belief that free food and entertainment was what was needed to prevent the poor from rioting.

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They worked hard, but because of the high prices of rent the family had to all stay in one room. To keep the people loyal they gave them free bread and shows.

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Carson Beitz

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you are a penis hole

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talk to them and comfort them

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Q: How did the Roman empire try to keep the poor people loyal?
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What was life like poor people in Rome how many roman empire try to keep poor people loyal?

Bread and Circuses.

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How did Roman empire keep the poor people loyal?

1) Force (power came from the edge of a sword) 2) Free entertainment ("Hey! Toss another Christian to the Lions!!") 3) Withholding of Knowledge. Dumb Poor, Smart Rich

This sentence is a Question to What was life like for poor people in Rome. How did the Roman empire try to keep poor people loyal is a Question to?

You are in 6th grade connections academy. To find the answer read the Social Studies Journey Across Time text book on Life in Ancient Rome. Don't cheat.

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The Greeks cites did not keep separate when they came under the Roman Empire. They were all part of this empire and participated in the trade of this empire. Prior to Roman rule many Greek cities were independent city-states.

How did laws help keep the Roman Empire together?

Laws were one of the factors that gave the empire unity. Since all provinces and territories were ruled by Roman law, the laws were the glue that held the empire together.

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Byzantine was the Eastern half of the Roman Empire and the half that controlled Greece.

What are the causes of the fall of the Roman Empire?

There are several reasons the Roman Empire fell. 1, The water pipes that ran from the aqueducts were made primarily of lead so the entire population was slowly dieing of lead poisoning which caused most people to die before they turned 40. 2, As the Roman Empire grew, it took a lot of slaves from conquered lands and put them to work in the Roman cities which caused a decrease in demand for workers which resulted in mass numbers of homeless people unable to find jobs. 3, To keep the unemployed people from revolting, the government had giant festivals and numerous holidays when people received free food and entertainment that the Empire couldn't afford. 4, The Empire was too big for the Roman Legions to adequately defend so mercenaries were hired to help with defence even though they were seldom very loyal to Rome and frequently switched sides. 5, Every time an Emperor died, there was another civil war causing the empire to become weakened. 6, When the Roman Empire was split in half by Constantine, and the capitol moved to Constantinople the Germanic tribes were just starting to press on the borders of the empire and the division of the empire only further weakened it. 7, A significant number of the emperors were completely insane and made very unwise decisions that ultimately caused the fall of the Roman Empire.

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B/c the Roman Empire itself disintegrated, no structure left to keep the laws in use.

What was a major reason of the fall of roman empire?

There's quite a big story behind the fall of the Western Roman empire, but let's keep it simple and short and say the invasion on Huns into Europe was the starting point, the first domino to start the fall of allready wakened Western Roman empire. Eastern Roman empire feel some 1000 years later by Otoman empire.

Which Roman provinces were the most difficult for the Roman empire to keep control over?

The border provinces in North Africa, Asia and along the Rhine-Danube.