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Q: How did the Russian revolution and establishment of the USSR impact us?
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What did the Russian Revolution of 1917 establish?

There were two revolutions in 1917. The February Revolution ended the rule of the Tsars with the establishment of the Russian Provisional Government. The second revolution, the October Revolution , established Bolshevik/Communist rule in Russia. At first Russia became known as the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic, which later became the Soviet Union (USSR).

What was the conclusion of the Russian revolution?

The Reds won and the USSR was established.

How the Russian Revolution create a new world?

The Russian Revolution formed the USSR, the first Communism state. The USSR changed the world by proving that Communism could work. The USSR went to create a better world, although never achieved, it legacy will live on. P.S. We should revive the USSR

How did the Russian empire fall?

Do you mean the Russian Revolution or the USSR Russian RevolutionThe Russian Revolution took place in 1917 where the people where overthrowing the tsars and then created a communist government USSRThe USSR technically ended in 1991 but in 1987 President Reagan began deteriorating the government with his famous speech at the Berlin Wall "Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall"

Who fight with Russian in Russian revolution?

actually Russians fighted with Russians, the people who liked the king and wanted to keep him VS the people who disliked the king and wanted to Form the USSR

Who were the USSR?

USSR. " UNION of SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS ". People in the US usually refered to it as "Russia", but Russia is just one of the republics that made up the USSR. It started when the individual republics joined after the Russian Revolution and ended when the union was disolved a few years ago. You can look up the exact dates, but the union existed approximately from 1917 to 1999. In Russian, the USSR looks like CCCP

Who were the Russian capitalists?

Who were the Russian capitalists? Before October Revolution in 1917 capitalists were rich people, businesmen, etc.

What is the origin of the word Soviet?

It's a Russian word for council or committee and after the Russian Revolution in 1917 became the basic administrative unit of the country at a local level. USSR = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Who was the successor to the USSR?

The core of the USSR, the Russian Federation.

How to reference the former USSR?

Russian Federation

Who are all the Russian communists?

sssr or ussr

If im of soviet decent after the USSR are you Russian or Soviet?

If you were born in the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic of the USSR, but now live in the Russian Federation, then you are a Russian, and former Soviet citizen, though you can still claim Soviet citizenship.