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Q: How did the South respond to court-ordered desegregation?
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Where was the last public School Desegregation?

It was a school in South CarolinaSource? Year?

Who were the people who traveled by bus in the south to promote desegregation?

They were called the Freedom Riders.

Was dr martin Luther king responsible for ending salvery in the south?

No. Slavery in the south ended when the Civil War was ended. Dr. King was one of the leaders of the fight to end desegregation. Desegregation is the term used to describe a condition where everyone is equal under the laws of our country.

What are some synonyms for desegregation?

Desegregation is also known as racial integration.

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What is the elimination or practice or providing separate schools and other facilities

Where did desegregation occur in the us?

After the law was passed for there to be no segregation in schools is required and desegregation was happening almost everywhere in the U.S.

Is desegregation necessary?

Desegregation is necessary because if you keep people apart then they will not communicate at all and also it is very bad

What is the difference between desegregation and integration?

Desegregation refers to the ending of separation of two entities or groups. Integration, on the other hand, is a result of desegregation and refers to the acceptance of an entity or group by a different entity or group.

How do you spell desegregation?

You have spelled it correctly.

Name two places that African Americans targeted for racial desegregation?

two places that African Americans targeted for racial desegregation

How did the supreme court impact the desegregation of public schools?

The Supreme court impacted the desegregation of public by giving them free rights and get them educated!