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It didn't. The Trojan Horse was used by the Greeks to trick the Trojans, allowing the Greeks to breach the walls of Troy and sack the city.

After a long series of battles around and in front of the city of Troy, the Greeks were unable to breach Troy's defenses, and were low on morale. The suggestion (attributed to Ulysses) was to use trickery rather than force to break into Troy. Thus, playing on the superstitions and beliefs of the Trojans, the Greeks built a large wooden sculpture in the shape of a horse, and left it on the beach, before sailing away, apparently abandoning the fight with Troy.

According to legend, the Trojans saw this mighty horse as an offering by the Greeks to their Gods for a safe trip home. Counseled by priests that the best way to bring the Gods' favor to Troy instead of the Greeks was to bring the Horse into Troy for a celebration, the Trojans did so, and held a huge party.

What they didn't know was that the Greeks had merely pretended to leave, sailing but a short distance away (a few dozen leagues). They had left a small band of soldiers hidden inside a secret compartment of the Horse. Late at night, when all the Trojans were asleep after their huge celebratory party, these soldiers slipped out, and overwhelmed the few city guards still awake. They then opened Troy's main city gates, where the entire rest of the Greek army had returned from the fake retreat, and was waiting for the gates to open. Thus, the Greeks gained access to Troy while it slept, and quickly massacred everyone they could.

Now, of course, this whole tale is brought to us by (primarily) Homer, and is unknown if (or how much of) it is true. We know Troy existed, and that there was indeed a Trojan war, but how Troy was defeated is not known for a fact.

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Q: How did the Trojan horse help the Trojans defeat the Greeks?
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Did the Greeks or the trojans give the Trojan horse?

The Greeks gave the Trojans the Trojan horse. After the Trojans accepted their gift, the men hiding inside the horse opened the gates to the previously-impregnable Trojan walls. This enabled the rest of the Greek army to enter unimpeded and slaughter the Trojans inside. Receiving the Trojan horse caused the defeat of the Trojan army.

What is the Trojan horse trick?

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because it was a war in between Greece and the Trojans in which the Greeks used the Trojan horse to defeat the Trojans. This can be found in Homer's poems: the Iliad or the Odyssey.

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According to the Greek mythology in order to defeat the Trojans the Greeks build a Trojan horse which held warriors hidden in it.These warriors attacked the Trojans during night and led to the destruction of Trojan empire.

How did the Trojan horse lead the Greeks to victory?

The Greeks pretended to give up and sent the Trojan horse a gift to Trojans to show their defeat. However, they actually had a plan. Inside the horse hid the Greek's army. When the Trojans celebrated victory and fell asleep, the Greeks crept out at night and burnt and destroyed Troy.

What did the Greeks plan to do in order to trick the Trojans?

The Greeks his soldiers in a wooden horse (Trojan horse) and gave it to the Trojans as a gift to get Helen back.

What was the gift the Greeks gave to the Trojans that helped them win the Trojan war?

The Trojan Horse

Did the Trojans lose the Trojan war if so how?

The Greeks got into the city (by means of the Trojan horse) and burnt it.

Did the Trojans give the Trojan Horse to the Greeks as a gift?

The Trojans gave a hallow wooden horse filled with soldiers the Greeks as a "Gift", but in the night the soldiers came out of the horse and successfully seized the city.

How did the greek defeat the Trojans in the Trojan war?

The greeks built a giant wooden horse and said they surrendered and they should accept it as a symbol of peace.The trojans took it inside the walls and the greeks inside the horse opened the gates and let the greek army in form inside the wall

Where does the word Trojan horse came from?

It's said that when the Trojans were attacking the Greeks, the Greeks holed up in their walled city. In order to reach the Greeks, the Trojans put a hollowed out horse filled with Trojan soldiers in front of the gate so that, when the Greeks brought the horse into the city, the Trojan soldiers were taken in as well. Just goes to show what a knowledge of carpentry can do :-)

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