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Both the Union and Confederacy received a tremendous amount of money through trade. The Union had the majority of the factories, and sold their products to countries like Great Britain, France and Spain. The Confederacy had the majority of the farm land and sold cotton and other cash crops to Great Britain. Both the Union and the Confederacy raised funds through taxes, issuing bonds and taxation. They also raised funds by "printing money". The Union printed at least $150,000,000 and the exact amount of printed money by the Confederacy is subject to debate.

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7y ago

The US raised funds to fight the US Civil War by issuing bonds that were purchased by individuals of financial institutions. Various types of taxes, including the first ever US income tax was created. The US Treasury collected over $15 million from men seeking to avoid the draft. And based on a new law helped along by the Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase, the US was able to print money. As soon as the law was passed , the US immediately printed $150 million.For the South they did obtain limited loans from France and was able to raise funds from cotton exports that slipped past the Union's blockade. Initially, their first funding came by capturing the US Mint in New Orleans. That amount was approximately $500,000. The South also issued bonds. Gladstone of Great Britain, for example traded these for profits or losses when market conditions allowed for it.

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They received loans from France.

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9y ago

They taxed higher

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Q: How did the U.S. raise money to fight the civil war?
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How did the US raise the money to fight the Civil War?

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Printed more Confederate dollars, and the currency became worthless.

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