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They condemned invasions

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Q: How did the Us respond to the agressions acts in 1920 and 1930?
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How did the US respond to the aggressive action of dictators in the 1930's?

with a series of Neutrality Acts

When was the savinay avagya aandolan started?

The Savinay Avagya Andolan, also known as the Non-Cooperation Movement, was launched by Mahatma Gandhi on August 1, 1920. The movement aimed to resist British rule in India through nonviolent acts of civil disobedience.

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How did the colonists respond to the stamp act and the townshend acts?

by responding

What were some prejudice acts in the 1930S?

Some of the prejudice acts of the 1930's were when Hitler was beating and killing the Jews.

How did England respond to The Intolerable Acts?

They made them, so it didn't affect anyone there.

How did Madison and Jefferson respond to alien and sedition acts?

they wrote resolutions to Kentucky

How did Madison and Jefferson respond to the alien and sedition acts?

they wrote resolutions to Kentucky

How did the colonists respond to the British intolerable Acts?

You seem a little confused. The British imposed the Intolerable Acts. The colonies responded by defying them.

How did british merchants respond to the townshend acts?

british refused to pay to house the troops.

How did the colonists respond to the intolerance acts?

they tried to repeal the acts because they thought that was Boston tea party was good payback for all the taxes put on them for no reason.

How many colonists respond to The Intolerable Acts?

they tried to repeal the acts because they thought that was Boston tea party was good payback for all the taxes put on them for no reason.