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Each individual community of aboriginals had to learn specific serval skills for their location.These include

  • What can you eat
  • Where do you find it
  • How do you get it
  • Where is the water, how do you find it, how do you get it.
  • Is anything around likely to eat you before you eat it.
  • What plants are poisonous.
  • Do we have to dress for the weather or build shelters.

Aboriginal peoples in all parts of the world found these facts out and survived

One set of learnings cannot be easily transferred to any other group. It does not help an Australian aboriginal person to know how to build an igloo, an Inuit does not need to know about avoiding scorpions etc.

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13y ago

Aborigines survived on A special bread called "damper", they also caught fish and Drank water( when they could get some).

Dionne Meikle

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