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The original Anaconda Plan presented by US General Scott, had the value of taking control of the nations major river, the Mississippi River. It was a river of major economic ports and shipping. It was rejected at first. Later, without calling it the Anaconda Plan, the Union took control of the Mississippi River. By doing this the Confederate states laying to the west of the river were cut off from the eastern states of the Confederacy. It was not exactly "one half" but to a degree hurt the Confederate economy and its military power.

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Q: How did the anaconda plan divide the south by taking control of the Mississippi river?
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What was the proponent of the divide and conquer plan to win the civil war?

During the American Civil War, the most well-known proponent of the Union's "divide and conquer" plan (in fact, its architect) was General Winfield Scott (1786-1866). Known derogatorily as the "Anaconda Plan," Scott's strategy focused on a blockade of the South's ports and the taking of the Mississippi River by Union forces, which would cut the South in two.

Why did the union want to block the confederate coast?

Blocking the Confederate coast was the first part of the Unions 'Anaconda Plan', which also involved the invasion from the North and the taking/controlling of the Mississippi River. The plan was called the Anaconda Plan because it "strangled" the Southern Economy and Military. The North took the Mississippi to cut the Southwestern States of the Confederacy off from the rest of the Confederate States (Texas and the Oklahoma/New Mexico Territories), and to gain control of the Southerners 2nd most important port, New Orleans. The invasion from the North was to exhaust the Southern Armies (of-course). And Blockading the South was to prevent the trade of cotton (the staple product in the South) and other goods, crippling the Southern economy. Because of the blockade the South had almost no food and their currency was worth next to nothing.

The union cut Texas and Louisiana off from the confederacy by gaining control of where?

{| |- | The Union cut them off by taking control of the Mississippi River. The last city to fall was Vickburg. The battle took many days before the city fell. The Brown Water Navy consisted of gunboats and iron clads that fought in the fresh water of the Mississippi, Missouri and numerous other rivers that connected the Southern states. |}

How did the Europeans gain control over the Native Americans?

The Europeans gained control over the Native Americans by taking their land and their important riches.

How did the purchase of the Louisiana Territory help the United states avoid war with European powers?

It removed French control of New Orleans and the Mississippi River.

Related questions

Capturing led to the Union taking control of the Mississippi River?

Vicksburg is the answer.

What Union victory marked the start of the Union taking control of the Mississippi River?

The Vicksburg Campaign, specifically the Siege of Vicksburg, allowed the Union to take control of the Mississippi River.

What prevented the union from taking complete control of Mississippi river?

Vicksburg did. That's why Grant took it.

What was the proponent of the divide and conquer plan to win the civil war?

During the American Civil War, the most well-known proponent of the Union's "divide and conquer" plan (in fact, its architect) was General Winfield Scott (1786-1866). Known derogatorily as the "Anaconda Plan," Scott's strategy focused on a blockade of the South's ports and the taking of the Mississippi River by Union forces, which would cut the South in two.

Why was Northern success in siege of Vicksburg important?

Northern success in the Siege of Vicksburg was important because the Union had a plan called the anaconda plan. The anaconda plan is when the Union planned to cut the Confederacy in half. By doing this, the Confederacy would not have any way to obtain (get) supplies (food, clothes, weaponry, etc.) When the siege of Vicksburg was a success, the Union was able to carry out the anaconda plan since the Mississippi River is in Vicksburg, and by taking over the Mississippi River, that split the Confederacy into two.

Why was the Southern fortress city of Vicksburg the key to the Union's old Anaconda Plan?

The Union sought to gain full control of the Mississippi River, taking it away from Confederate gunboats and supply ships. Early on, General in Chief Winfield Scott had prepared a plan to defeat the Rebels by doing just was described. It was part of his "Anaconda Plan" and he was scoffed for it. After multiple attempts over a two year period, Vicksburg surrendered in 1863, having been under siege by forces led by Union General US Grant.

What was the name of the battle plan for the North as the US Civil War seemed to be impossible to avoid?

With regards to a Union plan to end the Southern rebellion, one plan created by General in Chief, Winfield Scott was considered. This was called the Anaconda Plan. It was rejected very early in 1861. Despite that, several pieces of his plan, such as taking control of the Mississippi River, did in fact happen.

How did the union army manage to split confederacy in two?

By liberating the Mississippi - isolating all Confederate units to the West of the river, and taking advantage of this great military highway for the transport of men and supplies.

What did the union gain by taking control of the Mississippi and Tennessee rivers?

By doing so, they cut the enemy communications and used the rivers for transporting their own troops and supplies.

This Northerner general was the one most responsible for taking the Mississippi River?

Ulysses S. Grant was the general who was responsible for taking the Mississippi River. During the Vicksburg Campaign, Grant gained control of the river, a major Confederate defeat. Grant and Confederate Lt. General Pemberton clashed in the Battle of Vicksburg.

How was the anaconda plan executed?

The Anaconda plan, which was enacted in the American Civil War, was designed to defeat the South with as little bloodshed as possible. First, the plan would oversee the taking of the Mississippi River, effectively cutting the South into two parts. After this occurred, the North would then strategically blockade the Eastern and Gulf Seaboard, preventing trade and necessary supplies. This would stifle the economy of the South further, effectively forcing them to surrender.

Why is the Mississippi river such an important water way?

It was so important because if the south were to loose the control of the Mississippi, they wouldn't be able to trade or bring supplies to other military bases. Taking control of the Mississippi was one part of the norths "Annaconda Plan," which was there strategy in winning the Civil War.