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a lot of stuff like trap doors and booby traps so that robbers couldn't rob all of the kings stuff

the egyptians put jewels, servants, dishes, pets. they put everything in the tomb they thought the Pharaoh would need in the afterlife.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Most ancient Egyptian piramids were robbed and that's why we never found treasure inside one of them. Tutankhamen's grave was small and buried beneath the sand so no grave robber managed to find it, therefore it was full of gold and jewelry when archeologists dug it up.

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13y ago

The ancient Egyptians used pyramids at first, but they soon found out that they were not the best idea (each one built was broken into) so they decided to start burying pharaohs in the valley of the kings, which is in the side of a mountain.

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13y ago

They where protected with traps and secret passage ways.

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9y ago

They would place enormous rocks to cover the entrance and also put traps made out of rocks.

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