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They had faith. It is faith upon which the Christian religion was founded (and not the requirement to adhere to the numerous laws of Judaism). St. Paul emphasized this in a number of his epistles.

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Q: How did the apostles know Jesus would come again?
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Where does Jesus go after he leaves the Apostles?

There are several instances of Jesus leaving the Apostles. For example, after the Last Supper, and after the Apostles fall asleep, Jesus leaves them to go apart in the Garden of Gethsemne to pray. He again leaves them when he is crucified and dies. Finally, 40 days after his resurrection he leaves them to ascend to Heaven. These are the incidences that readily come to mind. Perhaps one of them will answer your inquiry.

Where did the 12 apostles of Jesus come from?

Most were common fishermen from Galilee.

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No. Before his death, Jesus promised that after he left, the Spirit of Truth would come to the apostles and guide them "into all the truth" (John 16:13). Thus, the teachings of the apostles recorded in the later New Testament books are really Jesus' teachings.

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Jesus won't preach when he returns, but he will rule.

Where in the bible is Jesus inclusive?

Jesus includes everyone, and never turns them away. For example before Jesus does the turning the 2 or 3 loaves of bread and fish in to enough to feed thousands of people, the Apostles tell him to tell the people to go away. They did not have enough food, and the people would be hungry soon. Jesus told them, to let them come. Or when the children what Jesus to tell them a story the Apostles tell them to go away, because Jesus was tired and he says for them to come back.

After Jesus acended where did the apostles go?

They went back into hiding and waited for the Holy Spirit to come.

Where were the apostles when Jesus called them into ministry?

Jesus had found them fishing and Jesus said to them:'Come with me and i shall make you fisher men's of men''.....So Jesus had found them in the sea fishing

Is Jesus Christ come again in earth?

Oh yes that is very true that Jesus Christ will come to earth again in all his glory.

Why did these Jewish leaders not want the apostle teaching in Jesus name?

The Jewish leaders did not like Jesus. He taught and preached the true word of God. Many of the people were beginning to believe in Him and turning away from the Jewish leaders teachings. So they crucified Jesus and thought they had got rid of the problem. They could now go on teaching in their perverted ways. But what happens? Here the apostles of Jesus start teaching the ways of Jesus and even healed a few persons. This upset the Jewish leaders. They thought they had got rid of the problem and now it was manifesting itself again. The leaders told the apostles to stop teaching in Jesus' name. This is all they could do because the true cause, "the way" was so popular killing the apostles would be a big mistake. The apostles did not stop preaching, and this is a good lesson to whether we should obey man or God, when it come to the important things of God.

When did the holy spirit come to the apostles giving them faith and courage to witness jesus?

Specifically at the event called Pentecost.

What are the main events in Christianity?

Event A) Jesus was born Event B) Jesus died Event C) Jesus rose again and Not-yet-an-Event) Jesus will come again