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Japan was prepared to fight to the last man, woman and child. Only something utterly dramatic would have detered them. The last battle, Okinawa (sp) resulted in the highest casualties to the US Navy in all battles up to that time. The USN had 30 ships sunk! It had 300 ships put out of commission for 30 days or more at that battle. This was out of about 1400 ships in the invasion force. Worse, at the end of October 1945 one of the worst typhoons hit Japan and the surrounding areas. It did extensive damage to our facilities that had prepared fot the invasion of Japan on Okinawa. Had be been prepared for the invasions, we would have suffered a major defeat and losses from this storm. The invasion of the 1st island of Japan scheduled for the 1st of November would have had to have been postponed. The "devine wind" would have saved them again from invasion and only emboldened them to fight on. On the night of March 9-10 1945, 485 B29's burned out 16 square miles of Tokyo and killed about 100,000 people. There is a book called "Flames over Tokyo" that describes the situation on the ground for the inhabitants of Tokyo... They did the math: 485 to destroy Tokyo, 1 each to destroy Hiroshima amd Nagaski. The Japanese knew that we had about 2,000 B29s in the Marianas.
It forced the Japanese to surrender without the invasion of the mainland

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Q: How did the atomic bomb end World War 2?
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The atomic bomb

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The Atomic bomb or A-bomb was used to bomb Japan at the end of WWII

What is the importance of the atomic bomb in World War 2?

It was the ultimate weapon to end the war.

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The Atomic Bomb did not end the Pacific Theater, but gave the Emperor a quick decision.