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early in the war a small force of native americans and french routed an army.

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Q: How did the battle build Washington's reputation among his fellow colonist?
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What was the strategy by the Germans during the Battle of Stalingrad?

To my fellow bloggers; To capture and hold Stalingrad which in turn would give the Germans access to and control of the waterway and all shipping that used that waterway.

What does comrade mean?

* a fellow soldier or fighter * a fellow member of the Communist Party

Was Kurt Vonnegut in The Battle of the Bulge?

Kurt Vonnegut was in the Battle of the Bulge. He was fighting against the Germans, until he was captured and imprisoned by the Germans. He was placed with his fellow American prisoners in a warehouse that had been a meat-packing facility and storage locker before the war. This warehouse was marked with "Schlachtlog-funf" or "Slaughterhouse-Five."

What was Benito Mussolini's education?

Mussolini's education was characterized by disobedience and aggression. He was a bully at school and was sent to the Salesian fathers boarding school, where he was the recipient of increasingly severe punishments, ending in expulsion when he assaulted a fellow student with a penknife. From the school in Faenza he went on to a school at Forlimpopoli and was expelled, again for stabbing a fellow student. Despite his penchant for violence Benito was very bright. He did well in his examinations at the normal school and obtained a teaching certificate. He did not teach for long. He was incapable of controlling a class and was already developing a reputation as a political agitator and for remarkable rhetorical talent.

What reputation did Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI have with the French public?

Marie Antionette and King Louis were not respected and loved by the people of France at the time, firstly due to the fact that while France was starving and growing in debt they were refurbishing their palaces. secondly they were not popular people as Marie Antionette was Austrian and therefore was not respected nor welcomed by the people of france even though she was a caring and loving queen, the french public used propoganda in order to give her a bad reputation. They were not popular and were seen almost as if they were an evil force driving France into ruins and thus were not respectd nor loved by the fellow people of france at the time

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Who wrote for he's a jolly good fellow?

The writer of For He's a Jolly Good Fellow is unknown. The song originated in France during the 18th century and was written after the Battle of Malplaquet.

What is a short summary of The Hunger Games?

katniss replaces her sister in a required, all- out battle between fellow teenagers.

Who wrote the song For He's a Jolly Good Fellow?

it is unknown who wrote the song, but it was wrote after Battle of Malplaquet in 1709.

Who said Fire fellow soldiers for God's sake Fire?

General Isaac Brock said this during the Battle of Queenston Heights in the War of 1812, urging his troops to fire upon the enemy British soldiers dressed in American uniforms.

If a fellow met a fellow in the fields of green said a fellow to a fellow can a fellow tell a fellow what a fellow means how many F's in that?

9 10- I believe actually. Or at least I think.

What part of speech is fellow?

Fellow is a noun (a young fellow) and an adjective (my fellow students).

Why did the Houston's troops shout Remember Goliad at the Battle of San Jacinto?

Colonel James Fannin and about 350 of his fellow prisoners of war were massacred at Goliad.

What is the connotation of fellow?

Fellow has a connotation of friendliness. Hail fellow well met.

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If Paul Revere had failed to warn the Colonist Rebels that the British troops were coming, they would have been unable to repel the British attack. This would have greatly weakened the Colonist cause and be seen as "letting down" his fellow rebels.

How do you use the word fellow in a sentence?

When the word fellow is used it could be used like this: Fellow citizens.... , Fellow neighbors... etc.

What would be three major achievements of a war hero?

"Saving the life of a fellow soldiers Showing disregard for your own life in safety of others, and Bravery in the face of battle

What was one of the first books that described the events at the US Civil War Battle of Cold Harbor?

The first publication of the events that occurred at the Battle of Cold Harbor in June of 1864 was by one of the battle's participants. This was Lieutenant Theodore Vaill. His commentary on the battle is found in his book titled History of the Second Connecticut Volunteer Heavy Artillery. In it he describes the bravery of his fellow soldiers.