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With the British taxes, the colonies were forced to pay, making them less able to use their extra money to employ/trade with other nations, but they definitely didn't lead to more cooperation. If anything, they led to more upset and turmoil, especially the Townsend Acts and the Quartering Act. But what the British asked wasn't really unreasonable- it just seemed so to the colonies because they had become used to a policy of salutary neglect.

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Q: How did the british taxes lead to greater cooperatin among the colonies?
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How did the british taxes lead to greater cooperation among the colonies?

the british leaders hoped that colonist would agree to pay these tariffs. they had another goal as well.

Why were taxes implemented in the colonies?

Taxes were implemented in the British colonies of North America to help pay for the various wars the Empire was engaged in. Since the American colonies were among the wealthiest in the British Empire it made sense to Parliment to tax them to help pay the bills for the defense of the British Empire. The problem with this was that the colonies had often times had to defend themselves against Native Americans, the French and Spanish. It made little sense to Americans for them to have to pay to once to defend themselves and then pay again to defend an entire empire.

What was the effect of the british taxation on the colonies as a whole?

The British were mainly taxing the Massachusetts colony. They also closed down Boston Harbor. Then, no ships could go in or out. The other colonies helped the colony by sending them products. Taxation as a common complaint led to communication and cooperation among the separate colonies.

What was the effect of the Great Awakening on the colonies?

It led to new ways of thinking about religion among colonies

What did committies of correspondance do?

Committees of Correspondence were established by American colonists prior to the American Revolution. These committees were formed to exchange information and coordinate efforts among the thirteen colonies in resisting British policies and advocating for colonial rights. They played a crucial role in galvanizing colonial unity and mobilizing support for resistance against British rule.

Related questions

How did the British taxes to greater cooperation among the colonies?

the british leaders hoped that colonist would agree to pay these tariffs. they had another goal as well.

How did the British lead to greater cooperation among the colonies?

the british leaders hoped that colonist would agree to pay these tariffs. they had another goal as well.

How did the british taxes lead to greater cooperation among the colonies?

the british leaders hoped that colonist would agree to pay these tariffs. they had another goal as well.

How did the British taxes lead greater cooperation among the colonies?

the british leaders hoped that colonist would agree to pay these tariffs. they had another goal as well.

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Trades done among the BNA ( British North America ) colonies.

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How did the propaganda of the Boston Massacre greatly influence anti British feelings among the colonies?

The colonists were supposed to be scared.

What effect did the colonies of correspondence have in the colonies?

The committees were among the first groups to represent a unified colonial government, rather than the separate assemblies that operated under British rule. The colonies realized that successful responses to British actions were made easier by cooperative efforts.

What were effects of the war upon the colonies?

The war had several effects on the colonies. It led to an increased sense of unity among the colonies as they fought together against a common enemy. It also brought about a greater desire for self-governance and independence from British rule, which eventually led to the American Revolution. Additionally, the war left the colonies heavily in debt, which contributed to the tensions between the colonies and the British government.

What were the colonial groups established to improve communications between the colonies concerning british actions with the main intent of gaining support for british opposition?

The Committees of Correspondence were created to improve communication among the colonies regarding opposition to the British. Prominent members included Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry.

What was one effect of british taxation on the colonies as a whole?

The British were mainly taxing the Massachusetts colony. They also closed down Boston Harbor. Then, no ships could go in or out. The other colonies helped the colony by sending them products. Taxation as a common complaint led to communication and cooperation among the separate colonies.

What did the committees of correspondence have in the colonies?

The committees were among the first groups to represent a unified colonial government, rather than the separate assemblies that operated under British rule. The colonies realized that successful responses to British actions were made easier by cooperative efforts.