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Q: How did the british tried to starve the Germans out?
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What is the cause of the British blockade in Germany?

The British blockade tried to starve the Germans and their allies into submission during World War I. It also allowed the British forces to have dominance over the seas and attack at will.

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They tried their best to get to the West side of Germany; the U.S., French, British, controlled side.

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Answer England had colonies around the world and in the Mediterranean. Italy and Germany became more militant and attacked British Somlialand in North Africa. When they launched their attack against Poland and France, England wanted to help stop them. When they failed to keep the Germans out of France, the Germans began a air bombing campaign against England. They also attacked their shipping and tried to starve them into submission.

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The British used rationing to deal with the food shortages during and after wars. During both World War I and World War II, Germans targeted ships taking food to Britain, intentionally trying to starve them.

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They were probably put in gas chambers or hung or even put to starve.

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it was either that or let them starve to death, exterminating them was considered to be more humane.

Who were in the world 1?

The British and the Germans

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the Germans

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The Germans attempted to starve the British into surrendering by?

Attacking supply ships and supply planes. Also trying to take control of supply lines. and when they commenced bombing sorties they would go for livestock, crops, amd food processing factories

Where did the Germans tried to overrun the french?

league of nations

What battle was the final desperate bid by the Germans to break the allies?

they tried to over throw nazi germans