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The Great Plague of 1666, is the last major epidemic to occur in England. It was part of the Second Pandemic. These various plagues occurred from 1347 until 1750. This Second Pandemic occurred over four centuries. It is thought that as many 200,000 people died in 1666. There was no sanitation, the cobblestones were slippery with animal waste and slops (toilet waste) thrown out of the houses into the street. People called rakers removed the worst of the filth to the outside of the city walls where it continued to decompose. The smell was awful and people walked around with nosegay's pressed against their noses. The rich, if they had to walk in the slop, would wear shoes with thick soles, somewhat like high heels. People did not understand that microorganisms caused most diseases.

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Q: How did the bubonic plague from the 14th century differ from the one that took place in the 19th century?
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When did the Bubonic Plague start to exist?

The first time the Bubonic Plague struck was in the 6th century, and took place in the Byzantine Empire. The Bubonic Plague took the lives of around 50 million people in the Roman Empire alone.

What epidemic killed thousands in London during Shakespeare's time?

I'll bet you're thinking it was the bubonic plague, but you'd be wrong. The plague epidemic struck Europe in the early fourteenth century and one person in three died. The disease was still around in Shakespeare's day, but it had "hit Europe" two hundred and fifty years before. The deadly disease that his Europe in Shakespeare's time was syphilis, which was brought from the New World by Columbus's sailors and spread through Europe like wildfire in the sixteenth century. Shakespeare's plays are full of references to it.

How would a person develop the disease that doesn't spread by contact with a sick person?

Rats are what caused the bubonic plague, and spred a lot of it because back in those time periods there were no sewage systems, just little diches on the side of the street for people to use the bathroom in. So you can only guess why so many people got the bubonic plague in the first place.

Is the Black Plague Contagious?

I dont think so. Yes. In the early stages, it's called bubonic plague and is spread primarily by insects. In the case of the Black Death in Europe, it was spread by fleas which traveled from place to place on rats. The later stage is called pneumonic plague and is extremely contagious, spread through coughing.

How to cure the bubonic plague?

How is bubonic plague treated?It is very important to start treatment of this disease as soon as the symptoms are diagnosed and disease is confirmed.Once diagnosed for bubonic plague, doctor may chose treatment based upon the patient's medical history and severity of the disease. In ancient times when use of antibiotics was not known, the plague was cured by burning the buboes with blood-hot iron rod, which was a barbaric method but did save many lives.In modern times, use of antibiotics has taken place of burning the buboes. Antibiotics are used to fight bacteria and rest of the treatment is carried out based on the symptoms.Vaccines are also available and should be taken at least a weak in advance in case of sudden outbreak of plague or if the person is supposed to travel to the plague affected area.

Where is the worlds most haunted place?

Poveglia island in Italy is the most haunted place in the world. It was an execution ground, a battleground, and a place where people suffering from the bubonic plague went. One doctor killed himself by jumping off of a tower. But it is off limits to tourists and locals.

The bubonic plague 7va history?

dear citizins of other parts of England This is bliss Merlin speaking for my town and family the bubonic plague has hit my town there is disaster all over the place there are people screaming for help the sight that approches are eyes is too sad to explain the smell is becoming worst and causin the plauge to rise the level Bubonic plague symptoms can occur within two to six days of being infected by the bacteria Yersinia pestis. If left untreated, symptoms, such as vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea, can progress rapidly to septicemic plague. Approximately 10 to 20 percent of people with bubonic plague symptoms will also develop symptoms in the is pneumonic plague, and is often fatal. so we are begging you for help please ask your proffersinal doctor to invent something for the sake of the citizins of great Britain help us as we are and will be part of you it has killed 45million already and rising to 75 million we have estimated it is going to kill 1/3 of the Europe population which means it will kill about 25-50 million.

When was the black death pandemic?

The Black Death was an outbreak of bubonic plague that arrived in Europe in 1347 and continued until about 1352. It moved across Europe during this time, and typically remained in a particular place for a few months.

Why was the toilet?

the toilet was invented to make the world a more hygineic place to live in and to stop spreading a deadly disease called bubonic plague which was caused by bacterium and yersinia pestis the deases vector were rodents ECT. Rats And Fleas!!

Where was the last place the black death struck?

The Black Death was an outbreak of bubonic plague that started in Asia, reached Europe in 1437, and continued spreading through Europe until 1451. The last areas it spread into were Sweden and the northwestern areas of Russia. The bubonic plague outbreaks returned many times after that. The last widespread outbreak, called the Third Pandemic, started in 1855 and lasted until 1959. The plague breaks out periodically, and a few cases are likely to happen in the United States in any given year, but it is easily treated with modern medicine, and does not spread rapidly in places were rodents are controlled.

Why were pubs shut down during the plague?

people thought it was a place for the plague to spread because it was a social place

When did the Black Death happen?

The outbreak of the bubonic plague that has become known as the Black Death occurred in 1348, reaching Europe (Sicily) with a fleet of Genovese trading ships in October of the year. Northern Europe was hit by 1348, and was ravaged by an eastwards spread for the next four years. However, similar outbreaks on smaller scales had occurred before, and would recur at least five times during the 14th century and throughout the earlier half of the 15th.