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Q: How did the caravel ship helped europeans in their voyages?
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What kind of ship did the portuguese use for their voyages of discovery?

a caravel

What kind of ship did the Europeans use to travel in their explorations?

the Europeans used the Caravel to explore and the ship was invented in the 13th century

What type of Portuguese ship made it easier for Europeans to begin exploring?

the caravel

Is the caravel ship still being used today?

No it was used in the the 15th and 16th centuries by europeans to explore uncharted regions of the world.

What kind of changes in science and economics made European exploration possible?

Advances in technology made these voyages possible. A new kind of ship, the caravel, was stronger built than earlier ships. That is what made the Europeans able to begin exploring foreign lands in the 1400's.

Was caravel the Spanish ship used by the Spanish?

The caravel was an original Portugese model.

How did the invention of the caravel help European explorers?

The invention of the caravel helped European explorers by being smaller, more maneuverable, and able to sail closer to the wind than previous ship designs. This made it easier for explorers to navigate unknown waters, explore new trade routes, and undertake long-distance voyages with better speed and control.

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What is a three-masted ship?

a caravel

What is the difference between a 15th century caravel and a 20th century ship?

caravel is a small, highly maneuverable, two- or three-masted lateen-rigged ship, created by the Portuguese and used also by them and by the Spanish for long voyages of exploration from the 15th century. It's derived from the qarib used by Muslim Andalusian explorers in the 13th century.[2] caravel is a small, highly maneuverable, two- or three-masted lateen-rigged ship, created by the Portuguese and used also by them and by the Spanish for long voyages of exploration from the 15th century. It's derived from the qarib used by Muslim Andalusian explorers in the 13th century.[2] caravel is a small, highly maneuverable, two- or three-masted lateen-rigged ship, created by the Portuguese and used also by them and by the Spanish for long voyages of exploration from the 15th century. It's derived from the qarib used by Muslim Andalusian explorers in the 13th century.[2]

How did technology make long sea voyages possible?

Technology helped long sea voyages in many ways. They helped guide the ship to where it was going and made communication possible in case of an emergency.

What is the ship with square and triangular sails?
