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Q: How did the church become a significant power in medieval society?
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The Eddas (it's related to Norse Mythology, has nothing to do with the church)

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How was the church affected by the medieval merchant?

It was the other way around. The merchant was affected by the church. The Catholic Church had control over the whole society as well as the monarchy. It told people what to do and set rules for society. Science was disallowed and considered wrong.

What institution dominated European society?

The Catholic Church dominated European society during the Middle Ages, exercising significant political and religious influence over the population. The Church controlled aspects of everyday life, including education, politics, and morality, and played a central role in shaping the cultural and social fabric of medieval Europe.

How does the manor system and the church affected medieval life?

Everything went smooth and nothing bad happened

What was the importance of the medieval chruch?

The church was Catholic and it ruled the society. It even told kings what to do and taught that man was born in sin so they had to go through them to get to heaven. They set the rules of the society and determined how life was to be lived. The church was the foundation to all.

What was the dominant position of the Church and especially the papacy and clergy in medieval society?

The Catholic Church controlled Kings and queens as well as their nations. They set the rules and controlled man's connection with God.

How influential was the Roman Catholic Church in Medieval times?

The Roman Catholic Church became increasingly involved in secular (nonreligious) society during the Middle Ages (A.D. c. 450-c. 1500). It played a significant role in medieval European life through the activities of the clergy (church officials). Missionaries converted many of the Germanic tribes, and the church was influential in civilizing the so-called barbarians (non-Christians). Churches throughout Europe housed travelers and served as hospitals for the sick, while monasteries and cathedrals became centers of learning.

How did the Church come to play such an important role in medieval society?

All catholics believed that the pope was sent from god, and that his word was law. People in middle ages based their whole lives around the church.

Explain the role of the church in medieval society?

they influenced society and the way the people ran the government

What was the primary church during medieval times?

The Catholic Church