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people might have felt safer in USA once African Americans were free

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Q: How did the civil rights movement affect immigration?
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How did the war affect the fight for civil rights?

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How did the civil rights movement affect the gay rights movement?

The language of the civil rights movement has been used to fight the opposition of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights. The civil rights movement did not directly affect the gay rights movement, but it did influence some on how they could make their secret open and accepted by others. This eventually became known as Gay Liberation. It may sound similar to Women Liberation, the movement where women wanted rights to vote, get abortions, and have the same pay as men. Another term, Gay Power, originally came from the term Black Power which was part of the civil rights movement.

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It helped blacks be treated equally

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What did Mose Wright's do?

Mose Wright helped with the Civil Rights Movement. The civil rights movement helped give blacks equal rights as whites.

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It is a civil rights movement.

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Yes She was involved in a civil rights movement.

What did Emmetttill do for the civil rights movement?

His murder is what started it; it helped spark the civil rights movement

Father of the civil rights movement?

Ed Roberts was known as the father of the civil rights movement.

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Olympic bombing, civil war, civil rights movement, coca cola was invented