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they had the delegates of the states meet to make the government or congress

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Q: How did the colonists organize a government to lead their fight for independace?
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How did the colonists organize to fight against Britain?

They organized troops from France and the new colonies and fought

Why did the Revolutionary War have to be settled in war?

the continental congress 1 and 2 tried to make peace with Britain and asked for independace politely several times but king george the 3 ignored them.Britain didnit want peace. they made the colonists do what they wanted them to do. the colonists had no choice but to fight for their independance.

What is a statement describes the sons of liberty?

The Sons of Liberty was an organization of American colonists that was created in the Thirteen American Colonies to protect the rights of the colonists and to fight taxation by the British government.

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the colonists did

Did England have the right to tax the colonies or not define your answer?

Yes. The British government needed help to pay for the French and Indian War which they helped the colonists fight. The colonists should have helped pay for their war. Besides at this time colonists were still British officials. The government had every right to tax them.

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The answer is that Mercy Otis Warren inspired colonists to fight for freedom with his speeches.I AM RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the author purpose in Common Sense?

To convince the colonists to fight for independence

Why did the colonists fight of british?

The British were taxing the colonists without representation in Parliament.

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Did Spain fight on the side of the colonists in the Revolutionary War?

they helped the colonists (bernado de galvez)