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Q: How did the constitutional convention solve the diffiulity of having every person vote on every proposed law?
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What was the condition of the US in 1787?

I think they were having a constitutional convention that year.

This plan proposed a new strong central government with three branches with Legislative seats by population.?

During the Constitutional Convention, the Virginia Plan was proposed by the states having larger populations, suggested a lawmaking body to be called the Congress. This congress was to bebicameral (having two houses). The first house would be elected by the people of the United States, the second was to be chosen by the first.

What caused inflation under the articles of confederation?

Many things but ultimately Shay's Rebellion pushed Congress into having the Constitutional Convention.

Can a Constitutional Convention apply today?

Sure, but I think it would be a mess. Look at the problems we are having with health care and no one seems to agree. What do you think would happen at a convention? The idea scares me.

What did northern an southern states disagree over the most at the Constitutional Convention?

The northern and southern states had two major disagreements at the convention. The North disagreed with the use of slaves, and the South disagreed how people were elected to office.

Which proposal set forth in the Constitutional Convention of 1787 would have resulted in larger states having more representation in the legislature?

Virgina Plan

Which group would have been MOST likely to have had the most representatives at the South Carolina Constitutional Convention in 1868?

i dont know. i am having trouble with the same question on usa test prep

The American constitutional convention of 1787 was dominated by?

men having large property holdings or commercial interests.

What agreement created three separate branches of government?

The US Constitutional Convention was ratified in 1789. This "agreement of sorts" laid the foundation of the US having three separate branches of government in the Federal government.

Why was The states reluctant to having a national government?

It became clear during the Constitutional Convention that the anti-Federalist states did not want the Federal government to have too much power. In order to have the proposed US Constitution ratified, James Madison created the Bill of Rights. These 10 amendments insured that the new central government would protect the rights that the states themselves had placed in their own state constitutions.

Which amendment may be proposed by a national convention called by Congress at the request of two-thirds of the states?

The ability to propose a amendment to the United States Constitution by having two-thirds of the states request a national convention is found in Article 5 of the Constitution. Article 5 gives instructions on how changes can be made to the Constitution.

What states nickname is the constitution state?

Connecticut. At the Constitutional convention, it was Connecticut's two delegates who came up with the Great Compromise - Congress would have two chambers, with the House of Representives having state representation that varies according to population, and the Senate having a fixed 2 Senators per state.