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Q: How did the correspondent view the workers personal hygiene habits?
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The closer two objects are to each other?

the more they notice and appreciate each others' personal hygiene habits

How does personal hygiene impact on food hygiene and presentation?

Personal hygiene has a tremendous impact on food hygiene and presentation. If the preparer does not follow proper personal hygiene the recipient may be exposed to fecal contamination with their meal.

Body lice are associated with what personal habits?

This type of infestation is associated by wearing the same clothing for long periods of time without laundering, as may happen in wartime or in cold climates; or with poor personal hygiene.

Means the use of habits which help preserve good health?


Why does my mum think I'm a hippy?

Improve your hygiene habits and she might change her mind.

How do I clean my vagina so it won't stink?

Douche regularly. Part of women's hygiene habits.

Describe some personal habits that are important to you?

Personal habits to discuss on the interview need to be positive signs of responsibility and growth. Describe structured habits and routines. Organizational skills and memory abilities.

Lifestyle and personal habits of thomas paine?

Thomas Paine lived the lifestyle of a merchant. His personal habits aren't well known, but he was an inventor and a writer.

How is personal disciple essential in terms of time management personal habits and decision making?

Personal discipline is essential in terms of time management, personal habits, and decision-making because this trait is responsible for accomplishing anything in these areas.

What were some of Franklin Roosevelt's personal habits?

he did not have any habits other than helping the united states out

How did armpit get his name in the novel holes by Louis Sachar?

Armpit got his nickname from his classmates due to his excessive sweating and body odor. It is a teasing reference to his personal hygiene habits and is used as a way to make fun of him.

What network is responsible for personal habits and skills?

spinal cord